Purchase Your Tickets!

Immerse yourself in all that BDW has to offer by selecting a package that maximizes your experience and benefits!


The Ultimate VIP Pass is the ONLY way to attend BDW as a VIP and comes with exclusive benefits. Enjoy: Private Saturday Mimosa Brunch Cruise Access to up to 40 sessions All session replays Opportunity Fair Access Exclusive VIP Conference Tote VIP Plenary Seating Silent Auction/Silent Disco (Thursday evening) with passed hors d’oeuvres, silent disco, live music by J. Staton, and cash bar 9th Annual Black Diamond Affair (Friday evening) with elevated dinner, live music by Better By Tuesday Celebrity Meet and Greet VIP Reception with passed hors d’oeuvres and open bar Diamonds in the Sky House Party (Saturday evening) with drink ticket and live entertainment.

The All Access pass grants you full access to 6 conference tracks in addition to: Enjoy all (3) days of Black Diamond Weekend including: Access to up to 40 sessions Opportunity Fair Access Silent Auction/Silent Disco (Thursday evening) with passed hors d'ouvres, silent disco with live music by J. Staton, and a cash bar. Diamonds in the Sky House Party (Saturday evening) with drink ticket and live entertainment. Note: Does NOT include Ultimate VIP benefits (including access to Black Diamond Affair (this event must be purchased as an "add on")

Become a BDW Vendor at Black Diamond Weekend's Vendor Marketplace! That means, you are in for an AMAZING experience that is packed with more Good Company! Includes: 3-day Marketplace Vending at the Renaissance Waterfront Hotel in Portsmouth VA. (November 7-9) Invite (1) booth assistant to help run/manage your booth Enjoy (2) boxed lunches per day for yourself and your booth attendant. (1) Quarter page Ad in BDW Commemorative Magaine Listing on BDW Website and Event App Note: Vendor ticket DOES NOT include admission to the conference or conference activations. If a vendor wishes to attend BDW as an attendee, please also add a conference ticket to your purchase. Additional booth assistant (vendor) passes may be purchased separately if you wish to have more than the (1) included assistant pass. Electrical may be purchased as a separate add on if it is necessary. The rates are as follows: (3- Days) - $150 ** Based on Hotel Rates. Vendors may take advantage of our group rate by choosing to stay at The Renaissance. Book your group rate for Black Brand Biz Conference
Can't attend all 3-days? Stay close to the fun by selecting a one-day pass!

Secure your private invitation to Black BRAND's 9th annual gala dinner and reception with A riveting keynote by John Hope Bryant Live music by Better By Tuesday Great food, networking, and fundraising opportunity Important recognition of our business and community leaders with community black diamond awards. Note: Ticket Availability is limited.
Enjoy one full day of Black Diamond Weekend! This Day pass grants access to the following event on November 8, 2024: "The State of Black Entrepreneurship in Hampton Roads" with Natalie Madeira Cofield opening plenary sponsored by Truist Access to up to 10 sessions Masterclass + Book Signing with John Hope Bryant

Enjoy one full day of Black Diamond Weekend! This Day pass grants access to the following event on November 7, 2024: "The Company You Keep" opening plenary with Jenifer Lewis Access to up to 10 sessions Access to Opportunity Fair Access to Silent Auction/Silent Disco Portsmouth Pitch Black for Portsmouth-based businesses.
Photography Disclaimer:
Audio/Video Recording of Black Diamond Weekend
Please be aware that there will be no video and audio recording during Black Diamond Weekend events and programming. By participating, you agree not to record, release or sell any footage, photography, or audio recordings.
By participating in Black Diamond Weekend, you also consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and the release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction of such materials to be used for news, webcasts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on web sites, or for any other purpose(s) that Black BRAND deems fit for use.